Source code for

from import Mapping, Sequence
from typing import Generic, Optional

from pydantic import BaseModel

from intelligence_layer.connectors.retrievers.base_retriever import (
from intelligence_layer.core.chunk import TextChunk
from intelligence_layer.core.detect_language import Language
from intelligence_layer.core.model import ControlModel, LuminousControlModel
from intelligence_layer.core.task import Task
from intelligence_layer.core.text_highlight import ScoredTextHighlight
from intelligence_layer.core.tracer.tracer import TaskSpan
from import (
from import Search, SearchInput

from .retriever_based_qa import RetrieverBasedQaInput
from .single_chunk_qa import SingleChunkQa, SingleChunkQaInput, SingleChunkQaOutput

class EnrichedChunk(BaseModel, Generic[ID]):
    document_id: ID
    chunk: TextChunk
    indices: tuple[int, int]

class AnswerSource(BaseModel, Generic[ID]):
    chunk: EnrichedChunk[ID]
    highlights: Sequence[ScoredTextHighlight]

[docs] class MultipleChunkRetrieverQaOutput(BaseModel, Generic[ID]): answer: Optional[str] sources: Sequence[AnswerSource[ID]] search_results: Sequence[SearchResult[ID]]
SOURCE_PREFIX_CONFIG = { Language("en"): "Source {i}:\n", Language("de"): "Quelle {i}:\n", Language("fr"): "Source {i}:\n", Language("es"): "Fuente {i}:\n", Language("it"): "Fonte {i}:\n", }
[docs] class MultipleChunkRetrieverQa( Task[RetrieverBasedQaInput, MultipleChunkRetrieverQaOutput[ID]], Generic[ID] ): """Answer a question based on documents found by a retriever. `MultipleChunkRetrieverBasedQa` is a task that answers a question based on a set of documents. It relies on some retriever of type `BaseRetriever` that has the ability to access texts. In contrast to the regular `RetrieverBasedQa`, this tasks injects multiple chunks into one `SingleChunkQa` task run. We recommend using this task instead of `RetrieverBasedQa`. Note: `model` provided should be a control-type model. Args: retriever: Used to access and return a set of texts. insert_chunk_number: number of top chunks to inject into :class:`SingleChunkQa`-task. model: The model used throughout the task for model related API calls. expand_chunks: The task used to fetch adjacent chunks to the search results. These "expanded" chunks will be injected into the prompt. single_chunk_qa: The task used to generate an answer for a single chunk (retrieved through the retriever). Defaults to :class:`SingleChunkQa`. """ def __init__( self, retriever: BaseRetriever[ID], insert_chunk_number: int = 5, model: ControlModel | None = None, expand_chunks: Task[ExpandChunksInput[ID], ExpandChunksOutput] | None = None, single_chunk_qa: Task[SingleChunkQaInput, SingleChunkQaOutput] | None = None, source_prefix_config: Mapping[Language, str] = SOURCE_PREFIX_CONFIG, ): super().__init__() self._search = Search(retriever) self._insert_chunk_number = insert_chunk_number self._model = model or LuminousControlModel("luminous-supreme-control") self._expand_chunks = expand_chunks or ExpandChunks(retriever, self._model) self._single_chunk_qa = single_chunk_qa or SingleChunkQa(self._model) if any("{i}" not in value for value in source_prefix_config.values()): raise ValueError("All values in `source_prefix_config` must contain '{i}'.") self._source_prefix_config = source_prefix_config
[docs] def do_run( self, input: RetrieverBasedQaInput, task_span: TaskSpan ) -> MultipleChunkRetrieverQaOutput[ID]: search_output = SearchInput(query=input.question), task_span ).results sorted_search_results = sorted( search_output, key=lambda output: output.score, reverse=True ) if not sorted_search_results: return MultipleChunkRetrieverQaOutput( answer=None, sources=[], search_results=[], ) chunks_to_insert = self._expand_search_result_chunks( sorted_search_results, task_span ) source_prefix = input.language.language_config(self._source_prefix_config) chunk_for_prompt, chunk_start_indices = self._combine_input_texts( [c.chunk for c in chunks_to_insert], source_prefix ) single_chunk_qa_input = SingleChunkQaInput( chunk=chunk_for_prompt, question=input.question, language=input.language, ) single_chunk_qa_output = single_chunk_qa_input, task_span ) highlights_per_chunk = self._get_highlights_per_chunk( chunk_start_indices, single_chunk_qa_output.highlights ) return MultipleChunkRetrieverQaOutput( answer=single_chunk_qa_output.answer, sources=[ AnswerSource( chunk=enriched_chunk, highlights=highlights, ) for enriched_chunk, highlights in zip( chunks_to_insert, highlights_per_chunk, strict=True ) ], search_results=sorted_search_results, )
@staticmethod def _combine_input_texts( chunks: Sequence[str], source_appendix: str ) -> tuple[TextChunk, Sequence[int]]: start_indices: list[int] = [] combined_text = "" for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): start_indices.append(len(combined_text)) c = source_appendix.format(i=i + 1) c += chunk + "\n\n" c = c.strip() if i != 0: c = " " + c combined_text += c return (TextChunk(combined_text), start_indices) @staticmethod def _get_highlights_per_chunk( chunk_start_indices: Sequence[int], highlights: Sequence[ScoredTextHighlight] ) -> Sequence[Sequence[ScoredTextHighlight]]: overlapping_ranges = [] for i in range(len(chunk_start_indices)): current_start = chunk_start_indices[i] next_start = ( chunk_start_indices[i + 1] if i + 1 < len(chunk_start_indices) else float("inf") ) current_overlaps = [] for highlight in highlights: if highlight.start < next_start and highlight.end > current_start: highlights_with_indices_fixed = ScoredTextHighlight( start=max(0, highlight.start - current_start), end=( highlight.end - current_start if isinstance(next_start, float) else min( next_start - current_start, highlight.end - current_start, ) ), score=highlight.score, ) current_overlaps.append(highlights_with_indices_fixed) overlapping_ranges.append(current_overlaps) return overlapping_ranges def _expand_search_result_chunks( self, search_results: Sequence[SearchResult[ID]], task_span: TaskSpan ) -> Sequence[EnrichedChunk[ID]]: chunks_to_insert: list[EnrichedChunk[ID]] = [] for result in search_results: input = ExpandChunksInput(, chunks_found=[result.document_chunk] ) expand_chunks_output =, task_span) for chunk in expand_chunks_output.chunks: if len(chunks_to_insert) >= self._insert_chunk_number: break enriched_chunk = EnrichedChunk(, chunk=chunk.chunk, indices=(chunk.start_index, chunk.end_index), ) if enriched_chunk in chunks_to_insert: continue chunks_to_insert.append(enriched_chunk) return chunks_to_insert