Source code for intelligence_layer.examples.classify.classify

import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import NewType

from pydantic import BaseModel

from intelligence_layer.core import TextChunk
from intelligence_layer.evaluation import (

Probability = NewType("Probability", float)

[docs] class ClassifyInput(BaseModel): """Input for a classification task. Attributes: chunk: text to be classified. labels: Possible labels the model will choose a label from """ chunk: TextChunk labels: frozenset[str]
[docs] class SingleLabelClassifyOutput(BaseModel): """Output for a single label classification task. Attributes: scores: Mapping of the provided label (key) to corresponding score (value). The score represents how sure the model is that this is the correct label. This will be a value between 0 and 1. The sum of all probabilities will be 1. """ scores: Mapping[str, Probability] @property def sorted_scores(self) -> list[tuple[str, Probability]]: return sorted(self.scores.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
[docs] class MultiLabelClassifyOutput(BaseModel): """Output for a multi label classification task. Attributes: scores: Mapping of the provided label (key) to corresponding score (value). The score represents how sure the model is that this is the correct label. This will be a value between 0 and 1. There is not constraint on the sum of the individual probabilities. """ scores: Mapping[str, Probability]
[docs] class SingleLabelClassifyEvaluation(BaseModel): """The evaluation of a single label classification run. Attributes: correct: Was the highest scoring class from the output in the set of "correct classes". predicted: The predicted label. expected: The expected label. expected_label_missing: Whether the expected label was missing from the possible set of labels in the task's input. """ correct: bool predicted: str expected: str expected_label_missing: bool
[docs] class AggregatedLabelInfo(BaseModel): expected_count: int predicted_count: int
[docs] class AggregatedSingleLabelClassifyEvaluation(BaseModel): """The aggregated evaluation of a single label classify implementation against a dataset. Attributes: percentage_correct: Percentage of answers that were considered to be correct. confusion_matrix: A matrix showing the predicted classifications vs the expected classifications. by_label: Each label along side the counts how often it was expected or predicted. missing_labels: Each expected label which is missing in the set of possible labels in the task input and the number of its occurrences. """ percentage_correct: float confusion_matrix: dict[str, dict[str, int]] by_label: dict[str, AggregatedLabelInfo] missing_labels: dict[str, int]
[docs] class SingleLabelClassifyAggregationLogic( AggregationLogic[ SingleLabelClassifyEvaluation, AggregatedSingleLabelClassifyEvaluation ] ):
[docs] def aggregate( self, evaluations: Iterable[SingleLabelClassifyEvaluation] ) -> AggregatedSingleLabelClassifyEvaluation: acc = MeanAccumulator() missing_labels: dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) confusion_matrix: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(int) ) by_label: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) for evaluation in evaluations: acc.add(1.0 if evaluation.correct else 0.0) if evaluation.expected_label_missing: missing_labels[evaluation.expected] += 1 else: confusion_matrix[evaluation.predicted][evaluation.expected] += 1 by_label[evaluation.predicted]["predicted"] += 1 by_label[evaluation.expected]["expected"] += 1 if len(missing_labels) > 0: warn_message = "[WARNING] There were examples with expected labels missing in the evaluation inputs. For a detailed list, see the 'statistics.missing_labels' field of the returned `AggregationOverview`." warnings.warn(warn_message, RuntimeWarning) return AggregatedSingleLabelClassifyEvaluation( percentage_correct=acc.extract(), confusion_matrix=confusion_matrix, by_label={ label: AggregatedLabelInfo( expected_count=counts["expected"], predicted_count=counts["predicted"], ) for label, counts in by_label.items() }, missing_labels=missing_labels, )
[docs] class SingleLabelClassifyEvaluationLogic( SingleOutputEvaluationLogic[ ClassifyInput, SingleLabelClassifyOutput, str, SingleLabelClassifyEvaluation, ] ): def do_evaluate_single_output( self, example: Example[ClassifyInput, str], output: SingleLabelClassifyOutput, ) -> SingleLabelClassifyEvaluation: if example.expected_output not in example.input.labels: warn_message = f"[WARNING] Example with ID '{}' has expected label '{example.expected_output}', which is not part of the example's input labels." warnings.warn(warn_message, RuntimeWarning) predicted = output.sorted_scores[0][0] correct = predicted == example.expected_output return SingleLabelClassifyEvaluation( correct=correct, predicted=predicted, expected=example.expected_output, expected_label_missing=example.expected_output not in example.input.labels, )
[docs] class MultiLabelClassifyEvaluation(BaseModel): """The evaluation of a single multi-label classification example. Attributes: tp: The classes that were expected and correctly predicted (true positives). tn: The classes that were not expected and correctly not predicted (true negatives). fp: The classes that were not expected and falsely predicted (false positives). fn: The classes that were expected and falsely not predicted (false negatives). """ tp: frozenset[str] tn: frozenset[str] fp: frozenset[str] fn: frozenset[str]
class MultiLabelClassifyMetrics(BaseModel): """The relevant metrics resulting from a confusion matrix in a classification run. Attributes: precision: Proportion of correctly predicted classes to all predicted classes. recall: Proportion of correctly predicted classes to all expected classes. f1: Aggregated performance, formally the harmonic mean of precision and recall. """ precision: float recall: float f1: float
[docs] class AggregatedMultiLabelClassifyEvaluation(BaseModel): """The aggregated evaluation of a multi-label classify dataset. Attributes: class_metrics: Mapping of all labels to their aggregated metrics. micro_avg: Calculated by considering the tp, tn, fp and fn for each class, adding them up and dividing by them. macro_avg: The metrics' mean across all classes. """ class_metrics: Mapping[str, MultiLabelClassifyMetrics] micro_avg: MultiLabelClassifyMetrics macro_avg: MultiLabelClassifyMetrics
[docs] class MultiLabelClassifyAggregationLogic( AggregationLogic[ MultiLabelClassifyEvaluation, AggregatedMultiLabelClassifyEvaluation ] ):
[docs] def aggregate( self, evaluations: Iterable[MultiLabelClassifyEvaluation] ) -> AggregatedMultiLabelClassifyEvaluation: label_confusion_matrix: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = defaultdict( lambda: {"tp": 0, "tn": 0, "fp": 0, "fn": 0} ) for evaluation in evaluations: for tp in label_confusion_matrix[tp]["tp"] += 1 for tn in label_confusion_matrix[tn]["tn"] += 1 for fp in evaluation.fp: label_confusion_matrix[fp]["fp"] += 1 for fn in evaluation.fn: label_confusion_matrix[fn]["fn"] += 1 class_metrics = {} sum_tp, sum_fp, sum_fn = 0, 0, 0 sum_precision, sum_recall, sum_f1 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 for label, confusion_matrix in label_confusion_matrix.items(): precision = ( confusion_matrix["tp"] / (confusion_matrix["tp"] + confusion_matrix["fp"]) if confusion_matrix["tp"] + confusion_matrix["fp"] else 0 ) recall = ( confusion_matrix["tp"] / (confusion_matrix["tp"] + confusion_matrix["fn"]) if confusion_matrix["tp"] + confusion_matrix["fn"] else 0 ) f1 = ( (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall) if precision + recall else 0 ) class_metrics[label] = MultiLabelClassifyMetrics( precision=precision, recall=recall, f1=f1 ) sum_tp += confusion_matrix["tp"] sum_fp += confusion_matrix["fp"] sum_fn += confusion_matrix["fn"] sum_precision += precision sum_recall += recall sum_f1 += f1 try: micro_avg = MultiLabelClassifyMetrics( precision=sum_tp / (sum_tp + sum_fp), recall=sum_tp / (sum_tp + sum_fn), f1=(2 * (sum_tp / (sum_tp + sum_fp)) * (sum_tp / (sum_tp + sum_fn))) / ((sum_tp / (sum_tp + sum_fp)) + (sum_tp / (sum_tp + sum_fn))), ) except ZeroDivisionError: micro_avg = MultiLabelClassifyMetrics( precision=0, recall=0, f1=0, ) macro_avg = MultiLabelClassifyMetrics( precision=sum_precision / len(class_metrics), recall=sum_recall / len(class_metrics), f1=sum_f1 / len(class_metrics), ) return AggregatedMultiLabelClassifyEvaluation( class_metrics=class_metrics, micro_avg=micro_avg, macro_avg=macro_avg )
[docs] class MultiLabelClassifyEvaluationLogic( SingleOutputEvaluationLogic[ ClassifyInput, MultiLabelClassifyOutput, Sequence[str], MultiLabelClassifyEvaluation, ] ): def __init__( self, threshold: float = 0.55, ): super().__init__() self.threshold = threshold def do_evaluate_single_output( self, example: Example[ClassifyInput, Sequence[str]], output: MultiLabelClassifyOutput, ) -> MultiLabelClassifyEvaluation: predicted_classes = frozenset( label for label, score in output.scores.items() if score > self.threshold ) expected_classes = frozenset(example.expected_output) tp = predicted_classes & expected_classes tn = (example.input.labels - predicted_classes) & ( example.input.labels - expected_classes ) fp = (example.input.labels - expected_classes) - ( example.input.labels - predicted_classes ) fn = expected_classes - predicted_classes return MultiLabelClassifyEvaluation(tp=tp, tn=tn, fp=fp, fn=fn)