Source code for intelligence_layer.evaluation.dataset.hugging_face_dataset_repository

from functools import _lru_cache_wrapper, lru_cache
from typing import Optional

from intelligence_layer.evaluation.dataset.domain import Dataset
from intelligence_layer.evaluation.dataset.file_dataset_repository import (
from intelligence_layer.evaluation.infrastructure.hugging_face_repository import (

[docs] class HuggingFaceDatasetRepository(HuggingFaceRepository, FileSystemDatasetRepository): def __init__( self, repository_id: str, token: str, private: bool, caching: bool = True ) -> None: """Initializes a :class:`HuggingFaceDatasetRepository` to be ready for dataset storage and access. Args: repository_id: The HuggingFace namespace and repository name, separated by a "/". token: The HuggingFace authentication token. private: Whether the dataset repository should be private on HuggingFace. caching: If set, datasets are cached in memory once retrieved. This means external updates to datasets will be missed. Defaults to `True`. """ super().__init__(repository_id, token, private) if caching: self.examples = lru_cache(maxsize=2)(self.examples) # type: ignore
[docs] def delete_dataset(self, dataset_id: str) -> None: """Deletes a dataset identified by the given dataset ID. This implementation should be backwards compatible to datasets created without a dataset object (i.e., there is no dataset file with dataset metadata). Note, that HuggingFace API does not seem to support deleting not-existing files. Args: dataset_id: Dataset ID of the dataset to delete. """ if self.exists(self._dataset_examples_path(dataset_id)): self._file_system.rm( self.path_to_str(self._dataset_examples_path(dataset_id)) ) if self.exists(self._dataset_path(dataset_id)): self._file_system.rm(self.path_to_str(self._dataset_path(dataset_id))) # this resets the complete cache if a dataset gets deleted. if isinstance(self.examples, _lru_cache_wrapper): self.examples.cache_clear()
[docs] def dataset(self, dataset_id: str) -> Optional[Dataset]: """Returns a dataset identified by the given dataset ID. This implementation should be backwards compatible to datasets created without a dataset object (i.e., there is no dataset file with dataset metadata). Args: dataset_id: Dataset ID of the dataset to delete. Returns: :class:`Dataset` if it was not, `None` otherwise. """ dataset_file_path = self._dataset_path(dataset_id) examples_file_path = self._dataset_examples_path(dataset_id) if not self.exists(dataset_file_path): if not self.exists(examples_file_path): return None else: return Dataset(id=dataset_id, name=f"HuggingFace dataset {dataset_id}") return super().dataset(dataset_id)