Source code for intelligence_layer.evaluation.aggregation.aggregation_repository

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Iterable, Sequence
from typing import Optional

from intelligence_layer.evaluation.aggregation.domain import (

[docs] class AggregationRepository(ABC): """Base aggregation repository interface. Provides methods to store and load aggregated evaluation results: :class:`AggregationOverview`. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def store_aggregation_overview( self, aggregation_overview: AggregationOverview[AggregatedEvaluation] ) -> None: """Stores an :class:`AggregationOverview`. Args: aggregation_overview: The aggregated results to be persisted. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def aggregation_overview( self, aggregation_id: str, aggregation_type: type[AggregatedEvaluation] ) -> Optional[AggregationOverview[AggregatedEvaluation]]: """Returns an :class:`AggregationOverview` for the given ID. Args: aggregation_id: ID of the aggregation overview to retrieve. aggregation_type: Type of the aggregation. Returns: :class:`EvaluationOverview` if it was found, `None` otherwise. """ ...
[docs] def aggregation_overviews( self, aggregation_type: type[AggregatedEvaluation] ) -> Iterable[AggregationOverview[AggregatedEvaluation]]: """Returns all :class:`AggregationOverview`s sorted by their ID. Args: aggregation_type: Type of the aggregation. Returns: An :class:`Iterable` of :class:`AggregationOverview`s. """ for aggregation_id in self.aggregation_overview_ids(): aggregation_overview = self.aggregation_overview( aggregation_id, aggregation_type ) if aggregation_overview is not None: yield aggregation_overview
[docs] @abstractmethod def aggregation_overview_ids(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Returns sorted IDs of all stored :class:`AggregationOverview`s. Returns: A :class:`Sequence` of the :class:`AggregationOverview` IDs. """ pass