Source code for intelligence_layer.core.tracer.persistent_tracer

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Iterable, Sequence
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional
from uuid import UUID, uuid4

from pydantic import BaseModel, SerializeAsAny

from intelligence_layer.core.tracer.in_memory_tracer import (
from intelligence_layer.core.tracer.tracer import (

[docs] class LogLine(BaseModel): """Represents a complete log-line. Attributes: entry_type: The type of the entry. This is the class-name of one of the classes representing a log-entry (e.g. "StartTask"). entry: The actual entry. """ trace_id: UUID entry_type: str entry: SerializeAsAny[PydanticSerializable]
[docs] class PersistentTracer(Tracer, ABC): def __init__(self) -> None: self.current_id = uuid4() @abstractmethod def _log_entry(self, id: UUID, entry: BaseModel) -> None: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def traces(self) -> InMemoryTracer: """Returns all traces of the given tracer. Returns: An InMemoryTracer that contains all traces of the tracer. """ pass
[docs] def export_for_viewing(self) -> Sequence[ExportedSpan]: return self.traces().export_for_viewing()
def _log_span( self, span: "PersistentSpan", name: str, timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None ) -> None: self._log_entry( span.context.trace_id, StartSpan( uuid=span.context.span_id, parent=self.context.span_id if self.context else span.context.trace_id, name=name, start=timestamp or utc_now(), trace_id=span.context.trace_id, ), ) def _log_task( self, task_span: "PersistentTaskSpan", task_name: str, input: PydanticSerializable, timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None, ) -> None: try: self._log_entry( task_span.context.trace_id, StartTask( uuid=task_span.context.span_id, parent=self.context.span_id if self.context else task_span.context.trace_id, name=task_name, start=timestamp or utc_now(), input=input, trace_id=task_span.context.trace_id, ), ) except TracerLogEntryFailed as error: self._log_entry( task_span.context.trace_id, StartTask( uuid=task_span.context.span_id, parent=self.context.span_id if self.context else task_span.context.trace_id, name=task_name, start=timestamp or utc_now(), input=error.description, trace_id=task_span.context.trace_id, ), ) def _parse_log(self, log_entries: Iterable[LogLine]) -> InMemoryTracer: tree_builder = TreeBuilder() for log_line in log_entries: if log_line.entry_type == StartTask.__name__: tree_builder.start_task(log_line) elif log_line.entry_type == EndTask.__name__: tree_builder.end_task(log_line) elif log_line.entry_type == StartSpan.__name__: tree_builder.start_span(log_line) elif log_line.entry_type == EndSpan.__name__: tree_builder.end_span(log_line) elif log_line.entry_type == PlainEntry.__name__: tree_builder.plain_entry(log_line) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected entry_type in {log_line}") assert tree_builder.root return tree_builder.root
[docs] class PersistentSpan(Span, PersistentTracer, ABC): end_timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None
[docs] def log( self, message: str, value: PydanticSerializable, timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None, ) -> None: try: self._log_entry( self.context.trace_id, PlainEntry( message=message, value=value, timestamp=timestamp or utc_now(), parent=self.context.span_id, trace_id=self.context.trace_id, ), ) except TracerLogEntryFailed as error: self._log_entry( self.context.trace_id, PlainEntry( message="log entry failed", value=error.description, timestamp=timestamp or utc_now(), parent=self.context.span_id, trace_id=self.context.trace_id, ), )
[docs] def end(self, timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None) -> None: if not self.end_timestamp: self.end_timestamp = timestamp or utc_now() self._log_entry( self.context.trace_id, EndSpan( uuid=self.context.span_id, end=self.end_timestamp, status_code=self.status_code, ), )
[docs] class PersistentTaskSpan(TaskSpan, PersistentSpan, ABC): output: Optional[PydanticSerializable] = None
[docs] def record_output(self, output: PydanticSerializable) -> None: self.output = output
[docs] def end(self, timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None) -> None: if not self.end_timestamp: self.end_timestamp = timestamp or utc_now() self._log_entry( self.context.trace_id, EndTask( uuid=self.context.span_id, end=self.end_timestamp, output=self.output, status_code=self.status_code, ), )
[docs] class TracerLogEntryFailed(Exception): def __init__(self, error_message: str, id: str) -> None: super().__init__( f"Log entry with id {id} failed with error message {error_message}." ) self.description = error_message
[docs] class StartTask(BaseModel): """Represents the payload/entry of a log-line indicating that a `TaskSpan` was opened through `Tracer.task_span`. Attributes: uuid: A unique id for the opened `TaskSpan`. parent: The unique id of the parent element of opened `TaskSpan`. This could refer to either a surrounding `TaskSpan`, `Span` or the top-level `Tracer`. name: The name of the task. start: The timestamp when this `Task` was started (i.e. `run` was called). input: The `Input` (i.e. parameter for `run`) the `Task` was started with. trace_id: The trace id of the opened `TaskSpan`. """ uuid: UUID parent: UUID name: str start: datetime input: SerializeAsAny[PydanticSerializable] trace_id: UUID
[docs] class EndTask(BaseModel): """Represents the payload/entry of a log-line that indicates that a `TaskSpan` ended (i.e. the context-manager exited). Attributes: uuid: The uuid of the corresponding `StartTask`. end: the timestamp when this `Task` completed (i.e. `run` returned). output: the `Output` (i.e. return value of `run`) the `Task` returned. """ uuid: UUID end: datetime output: SerializeAsAny[PydanticSerializable] status_code: SpanStatus = SpanStatus.OK
[docs] class StartSpan(BaseModel): """Represents the payload/entry of a log-line indicating that a `Span` was opened through `Tracer.span`. Attributes: uuid: A unique id for the opened `Span`. parent: The unique id of the parent element of opened `TaskSpan`. This could refer to either a surrounding `TaskSpan`, `Span` or the top-level `Tracer`. name: The name of the task. start: The timestamp when this `Span` was started. trace_id: The ID of the trace this span belongs to. """ uuid: UUID parent: UUID name: str start: datetime trace_id: UUID
[docs] class EndSpan(BaseModel): """Represents the payload/entry of a log-line that indicates that a `Span` ended. Attributes: uuid: The uuid of the corresponding `StartSpan`. end: the timestamp when this `Span` completed. """ uuid: UUID end: datetime status_code: SpanStatus = SpanStatus.OK
[docs] class PlainEntry(BaseModel): """Represents a plain log-entry created through `Tracer.log`. Attributes: message: the message-parameter of `Tracer.log` value: the value-parameter of `Tracer.log` timestamp: the timestamp when `Tracer.log` was called. parent: The unique id of the parent element of the log. This could refer to either a surrounding `TaskSpan`, `Span` or the top-level `Tracer`. trace_id: The ID of the trace this entry belongs to. """ message: str value: SerializeAsAny[PydanticSerializable] timestamp: datetime parent: UUID trace_id: UUID
class TreeBuilder: def __init__(self) -> None: self.root = InMemoryTracer() self.tracers: dict[UUID, InMemoryTracer] = dict() self.tasks: dict[UUID, InMemoryTaskSpan] = dict() self.spans: dict[UUID, InMemorySpan] = dict() def start_task(self, log_line: LogLine) -> None: start_task = StartTask.model_validate(log_line.entry) converted_span = InMemoryTaskSpan(, input=start_task.input, start_timestamp=start_task.start, context=Context(trace_id=start_task.trace_id, span_id=start_task.parent) if start_task.trace_id != start_task.uuid else None, ) # if root, also change the trace id if converted_span.context.trace_id == converted_span.context.span_id: converted_span.context.trace_id = start_task.uuid converted_span.context.span_id = start_task.uuid self.tracers.get(start_task.parent, self.root).entries.append(converted_span) self.tracers[start_task.uuid] = converted_span self.tasks[start_task.uuid] = converted_span def end_task(self, log_line: LogLine) -> None: end_task = EndTask.model_validate(log_line.entry) task_span = self.tasks[end_task.uuid] task_span.record_output(end_task.output) task_span.status_code = end_task.status_code task_span.end(end_task.end) def start_span(self, log_line: LogLine) -> None: start_span = StartSpan.model_validate(log_line.entry) converted_span = InMemorySpan(, start_timestamp=start_span.start, context=Context(trace_id=start_span.trace_id, span_id=start_span.parent) if start_span.trace_id != start_span.uuid else None, ) # if root, also change the trace id if converted_span.context.trace_id == converted_span.context.span_id: converted_span.context.trace_id = start_span.uuid converted_span.context.span_id = start_span.uuid self.tracers.get(start_span.parent, self.root).entries.append(converted_span) self.tracers[start_span.uuid] = converted_span self.spans[start_span.uuid] = converted_span def end_span(self, log_line: LogLine) -> None: end_span = EndSpan.model_validate(log_line.entry) span = self.spans[end_span.uuid] span.status_code = end_span.status_code span.end(end_span.end) def plain_entry(self, log_line: LogLine) -> None: plain_entry = PlainEntry.model_validate(log_line.entry) entry = LogEntry( message=plain_entry.message, value=plain_entry.value, timestamp=plain_entry.timestamp, trace_id=plain_entry.trace_id, ) self.tracers[plain_entry.parent].entries.append(entry)