Source code for intelligence_layer.core.tracer.composite_tracer

from import Sequence
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Generic, Optional, TypeVar

from intelligence_layer.core.tracer.tracer import (

TracerVar = TypeVar("TracerVar", bound=Tracer)

SpanVar = TypeVar("SpanVar", bound=Span)

[docs] class CompositeTracer(Tracer, Generic[TracerVar]): """A :class:`Tracer` that allows for recording to multiple tracers simultaneously. Each log-entry and span will be forwarded to all subtracers. Args: tracers: tracers that will be forwarded all subsequent log and span calls. Example: >>> from intelligence_layer.core import InMemoryTracer, FileTracer, CompositeTracer, TextChunk >>> from intelligence_layer.examples import PromptBasedClassify, ClassifyInput >>> tracer_1 = InMemoryTracer() >>> tracer_2 = InMemoryTracer() >>> tracer = CompositeTracer([tracer_1, tracer_2]) >>> task = PromptBasedClassify() >>> response ="Cool"), labels=frozenset({"label", "other label"})), tracer) """ def __init__(self, tracers: Sequence[TracerVar]) -> None: assert len(tracers) > 0 self.tracers = tracers self.context = tracers[0].context
[docs] def span( self, name: str, timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None, ) -> "CompositeSpan[Span]": timestamp = timestamp or utc_now() return CompositeSpan([tracer.span(name, timestamp) for tracer in self.tracers])
[docs] def task_span( self, task_name: str, input: PydanticSerializable, timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None, ) -> "CompositeTaskSpan": timestamp = timestamp or utc_now() return CompositeTaskSpan( [tracer.task_span(task_name, input, timestamp) for tracer in self.tracers] )
[docs] def export_for_viewing(self) -> Sequence[ExportedSpan]: if len(self.tracers) > 0: return self.tracers[0].export_for_viewing() return []
class CompositeSpan(Generic[SpanVar], CompositeTracer[SpanVar], Span): """A :class:`Span` that allows for recording to multiple spans simultaneously. Each log-entry and span will be forwarded to all subspans. Args: tracers: spans that will be forwarded all subsequent log and span calls. """ def __init__( self, tracers: Sequence[SpanVar], context: Optional[Context] = None ) -> None: CompositeTracer.__init__(self, tracers) Span.__init__(self, context=context) def log( self, message: str, value: PydanticSerializable, timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None, ) -> None: timestamp = timestamp or utc_now() for tracer in self.tracers: tracer.log(message, value, timestamp) def end(self, timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None) -> None: timestamp = timestamp or utc_now() for tracer in self.tracers: tracer.end(timestamp) @property def status_code(self) -> SpanStatus: status_codes = {tracer.status_code for tracer in self.tracers} if len(status_codes) > 1: raise ValueError( "Inconsistent status of traces in composite tracer. Status of all traces should be the same but they are different." ) return next(iter(status_codes)) @status_code.setter def status_code(self, span_status: SpanStatus) -> None: for tracer in self.tracers: tracer.status_code = span_status class CompositeTaskSpan(CompositeSpan[TaskSpan], TaskSpan): """A :class:`TaskSpan` that allows for recording to multiple TaskSpans simultaneously. Each log-entry and span will be forwarded to all subspans. Args: tracers: task spans that will be forwarded all subsequent log and span calls. """ def record_output(self, output: PydanticSerializable) -> None: for tracer in self.tracers: tracer.record_output(output)