Source code for intelligence_layer.core.model

import typing
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import ClassVar, Optional

from aleph_alpha_client import (
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict
from tokenizers import Encoding, Tokenizer  # type: ignore

from intelligence_layer.connectors.limited_concurrency_client import (
from intelligence_layer.core.prompt_template import PromptTemplate, RichPrompt
from intelligence_layer.core.task import Task
from intelligence_layer.core.tracer.tracer import TaskSpan, Tracer

[docs] class CompleteInput(BaseModel, CompletionRequest, frozen=True): """The input for a `Complete` task.""" def to_completion_request(self) -> CompletionRequest: return CompletionRequest(**self.__dict__)
[docs] class CompleteOutput(BaseModel, CompletionResponse, frozen=True): """The output of a `Complete` task.""" # BaseModel protects namespace "model_". # "model_version" is a field in CompletionResponse and clashes with the namespace. model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=()) @staticmethod def from_completion_response( completion_response: CompletionResponse, ) -> "CompleteOutput": return CompleteOutput(**completion_response.__dict__) @property def completion(self) -> str: return self.completions[0].completion or "" @property def generated_tokens(self) -> int: return self.num_tokens_generated
class _Complete(Task[CompleteInput, CompleteOutput]): """Performs a completion request with access to all possible request parameters. Only use this task for testing. Is wrapped by the AlephAlphaModel for sending completion requests to the API. Args: client: Aleph Alpha client instance for running model related API calls. model: The name of a valid model that can access an API using an implementation of the AlephAlphaClientProtocol. """ def __init__(self, client: AlephAlphaClientProtocol, model: str) -> None: super().__init__() self._client = client self._model = model def do_run(self, input: CompleteInput, task_span: TaskSpan) -> CompleteOutput: task_span.log("Model", self._model) return CompleteOutput.from_completion_response( self._client.complete( request=input.to_completion_request(), model=self._model, ) )
[docs] class ExplainInput(BaseModel, ExplanationRequest, frozen=True): """The input for a `Explain` task.""" def to_explanation_request(self) -> ExplanationRequest: return ExplanationRequest(**self.__dict__)
[docs] class ExplainOutput(BaseModel, ExplanationResponse, frozen=True): """The output of a `Explain` task.""" # BaseModel protects namespace "model_". # "model_version" is a field in ExplanationResponse and clashes with the namespace. model_config = ConfigDict(protected_namespaces=()) @staticmethod def from_explanation_response( explanation_response: ExplanationResponse, ) -> "ExplainOutput": return ExplainOutput(**explanation_response.__dict__)
class _Explain(Task[ExplainInput, ExplainOutput]): """Performs an explanation request with access to all possible request parameters. Only use this task for testing. Is wrapped by the AlephAlphaModel for sending explanation requests to the API. Args: client: Aleph Alpha client instance for running model related API calls. model: The name of a valid model that can access an API using an implementation of the AlephAlphaClientProtocol. """ def __init__(self, client: AlephAlphaClientProtocol, model: str) -> None: super().__init__() self._client = client self._model = model def do_run(self, input: ExplainInput, task_span: TaskSpan) -> ExplainOutput: task_span.log("Model", self._model) return ExplainOutput.from_explanation_response( self._client.explain( request=input.to_explanation_request(), model=self._model ) ) @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def limited_concurrency_client_from_env() -> LimitedConcurrencyClient: return LimitedConcurrencyClient.from_env()
[docs] class AlephAlphaModel: """Abstract base class for the implementation of any model that uses the Aleph Alpha client. Any class of Aleph Alpha model is implemented on top of this base class. Exposes methods that are available to all models, such as `complete` and `tokenize`. It is the central place for all things that are physically interconnected with a model, such as its tokenizer or prompt format used during training. Args: name: The name of a valid model that can access an API using an implementation of the AlephAlphaClientProtocol. client: Aleph Alpha client instance for running model related API calls. Defaults to :class:`LimitedConcurrencyClient` """ def __init__( self, name: str, client: Optional[AlephAlphaClientProtocol] = None, ) -> None: = name self._client = ( limited_concurrency_client_from_env() if client is None else client ) if name not in [model["name"] for model in self._client.models()]: warnings.warn( "The provided model is not a recommended model for this model class." "Make sure that the model you have selected is suited to be use for the prompt template used in this model class." ) self._complete: Task[CompleteInput, CompleteOutput] = _Complete( self._client, name ) self._explain = _Explain(self._client, name) @property def context_size(self) -> int: # needed for proper caching without memory leaks if isinstance(self._client, typing.Hashable): return _cached_context_size(self._client, return _context_size(self._client, def complete_task(self) -> Task[CompleteInput, CompleteOutput]: return self._complete def complete(self, input: CompleteInput, tracer: Tracer) -> CompleteOutput: return, tracer) def explain(self, input: ExplainInput, tracer: Tracer) -> ExplainOutput: return, tracer) def get_tokenizer(self) -> Tokenizer: # needed for proper caching without memory leaks if isinstance(self._client, typing.Hashable): return _cached_tokenizer(self._client, return _tokenizer(self._client, def tokenize(self, text: str) -> Encoding: return self.get_tokenizer().encode(text)
@lru_cache(maxsize=5) def _cached_tokenizer(client: AlephAlphaClientProtocol, name: str) -> Tokenizer: return _tokenizer(client, name) def _tokenizer(client: AlephAlphaClientProtocol, name: str) -> Tokenizer: return client.tokenizer(name) @lru_cache(maxsize=10) def _cached_context_size(client: AlephAlphaClientProtocol, name: str) -> int: return _context_size(client, name) def _context_size(client: AlephAlphaClientProtocol, name: str) -> int: models_info = client.models() context_size: Optional[int] = next( ( model_info["max_context_size"] for model_info in models_info if model_info["name"] == name ), None, ) if context_size is None: raise ValueError(f"No matching model found for name {name}") return context_size
[docs] class ControlModel(ABC, AlephAlphaModel): RECOMMENDED_MODELS: ClassVar[list[str]] = [] def __init__( self, name: str, client: AlephAlphaClientProtocol | None = None ) -> None: if name not in self.RECOMMENDED_MODELS or name == "": warnings.warn( "The provided model is not a recommended model for this model class." "Make sure that the model you have selected is suited to be use for the prompt template used in this model class." ) super().__init__(name, client) @property @abstractmethod def eot_token(self) -> str: pass @abstractmethod def to_instruct_prompt( self, instruction: str, input: Optional[str] = None, response_prefix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> RichPrompt: pass
[docs] class LuminousControlModel(ControlModel): """An Aleph Alpha control model of the second generation. Args: name: The name of a valid model second generation control model. Defaults to `luminous-base-control` client: Aleph Alpha client instance for running model related API calls. Defaults to :class:`LimitedConcurrencyClient` """ INSTRUCTION_PROMPT_TEMPLATE = PromptTemplate( """{% promptrange instruction %}{{instruction}}{% endpromptrange %} {% if input %} {% promptrange input %}{{input}}{% endpromptrange %} {% endif %} ### Response:{{response_prefix}}""" ) RECOMMENDED_MODELS: ClassVar[list[str]] = [ "luminous-base-control-20230501", "luminous-extended-control-20230501", "luminous-supreme-control-20230501", "luminous-base-control", "luminous-extended-control", "luminous-supreme-control", "luminous-base-control-20240215", "luminous-extended-control-20240215", "luminous-supreme-control-20240215", ] def __init__( self, name: str = "luminous-base-control", client: Optional[AlephAlphaClientProtocol] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(name, client) @property def eot_token(self) -> str: return "<|endoftext|>" def to_instruct_prompt( self, instruction: str, input: Optional[str] = None, response_prefix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> RichPrompt: return self.INSTRUCTION_PROMPT_TEMPLATE.to_rich_prompt( instruction=instruction, input=input, response_prefix=response_prefix )
[docs] class Llama2InstructModel(ControlModel): """A llama-2-*-chat model, prompt-optimized for single-turn instructions. If possible, we recommend using `Llama3InstructModel` instead. Args: name: The name of a valid llama-2 model. Defaults to `llama-2-13b-chat` client: Aleph Alpha client instance for running model related API calls. Defaults to :class:`LimitedConcurrencyClient` """ INSTRUCTION_PROMPT_TEMPLATE = PromptTemplate("""<s>[INST] <<SYS>> {% promptrange instruction %}{{instruction}}{% endpromptrange %} <</SYS>>{% if input %} {% promptrange input %}{{input}}{% endpromptrange %}{% endif %} [/INST]{% if response_prefix %} {{response_prefix}}{% endif %}""") RECOMMENDED_MODELS: ClassVar[list[str]] = [ "llama-2-7b-chat", "llama-2-13b-chat", "llama-2-70b-chat", ] def __init__( self, name: str = "llama-2-13b-chat", client: Optional[AlephAlphaClientProtocol] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(name, client) @property def eot_token(self) -> str: return "<|endoftext|>" def to_instruct_prompt( self, instruction: str, input: Optional[str] = None, response_prefix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> RichPrompt: return self.INSTRUCTION_PROMPT_TEMPLATE.to_rich_prompt( instruction=instruction, input=input, response_prefix=response_prefix )
[docs] class Llama3InstructModel(ControlModel): """A llama-3-*-instruct model. Args: name: The name of a valid llama-3 model. Defaults to `llama-3-8b-instruct` client: Aleph Alpha client instance for running model related API calls. Defaults to :class:`LimitedConcurrencyClient` """ INSTRUCTION_PROMPT_TEMPLATE = PromptTemplate( """<|begin_of_text|><|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|> {% promptrange instruction %}{{instruction}}{% endpromptrange %}{% if input %} {% promptrange input %}{{input}}{% endpromptrange %}{% endif %}<|eot_id|><|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>{% if response_prefix %} {{response_prefix}}{% endif %}""" ) RECOMMENDED_MODELS: ClassVar[list[str]] = [ "llama-3-8b-instruct", "llama-3-70b-instruct", ] def __init__( self, name: str = "llama-3-8b-instruct", client: Optional[AlephAlphaClientProtocol] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(name, client) @property def eot_token(self) -> str: return "<|eot_id|>" def _add_eot_token_to_stop_sequences(self, input: CompleteInput) -> CompleteInput: # remove this once the API supports the llama-3 EOT_TOKEN params = input.__dict__ if isinstance(params["stop_sequences"], list): if self.eot_token not in params["stop_sequences"]: params["stop_sequences"].append(self.eot_token) else: params["stop_sequences"] = [self.eot_token] return CompleteInput(**params) def complete(self, input: CompleteInput, tracer: Tracer) -> CompleteOutput: input_with_eot = self._add_eot_token_to_stop_sequences(input) return super().complete(input_with_eot, tracer) def to_instruct_prompt( self, instruction: str, input: Optional[str] = None, response_prefix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> RichPrompt: return self.INSTRUCTION_PROMPT_TEMPLATE.to_rich_prompt( instruction=instruction, input=input, response_prefix=response_prefix )