Source code for intelligence_layer.connectors.argilla.argilla_client

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import (

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic import Field as PydanticField

[docs] class ArgillaEvaluation(BaseModel): """The evaluation result for a single rating record in an Argilla feedback-dataset. Attributes: example_id: the id of the example that was evaluated. record_id: the id of the record that is evaluated. responses: Maps question-names (:attr:`` ) to response values. metadata: Metadata belonging to the evaluation, for example ids of completions. """ example_id: str record_id: str responses: Mapping[str, Any] metadata: Mapping[str, Any]
[docs] class RecordData(BaseModel): """Input-data for a Argilla evaluation record. This can be used to add a new record to an existing Argilla feedback-dataset. Once it is added it gets an Argilla provided id and can be retrieved as :class:`Record` Attributes: content: Maps field-names (:attr:`` ) to string values that can be displayed to the user. example_id: the id of the corresponding :class:`Example` from a :class:`Dataset`. metadata: Arbitrary metadata in form of key/value strings that can be attached to a record. """ content: Mapping[str, str] example_id: str metadata: Mapping[str, str | int] = PydanticField(default_factory=dict)
[docs] class Record(RecordData): """Represents an Argilla record of an feedback-dataset. Just adds the id to a :class:`RecordData` Attributes: id: the Argilla generated id of the record. """ id: str
[docs] class ArgillaClient(ABC): """Client interface for accessing an Argilla server. Argilla supports human in the loop evaluation. This class defines the API used by the intelligence layer to create feedback datasets or retrieve evaluation results. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_dataset( self, workspace_id: str, dataset_name: str, fields: Sequence[Any], questions: Sequence[Any], ) -> str: """Creates and publishes a new feedback dataset in Argilla. Raises an error if the name exists already. Args: workspace_id: the id of the workspace the feedback dataset should be created in. The user executing this request must have corresponding permissions for this workspace. dataset_name: the name of the feedback-dataset to be created. fields: all fields of this dataset. questions: all questions for this dataset. Returns: The id of the created dataset. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def ensure_dataset_exists( self, workspace_id: str, dataset_name: str, fields: Sequence[Any], questions: Sequence[Any], ) -> str: """Retrieves an existing dataset or creates and publishes a new feedback dataset in Argilla. Args: workspace_id: the id of the workspace the feedback dataset should be created in. The user executing this request must have corresponding permissions for this workspace. dataset_name: the name of the feedback-dataset to be created. fields: all fields of this dataset. questions: all questions for this dataset. Returns: The id of the dataset to be retrieved . """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def add_record(self, dataset_id: str, record: RecordData) -> None: """Adds a new record to the given dataset. Args: dataset_id: id of the dataset the record is added to record: the actual record data (i.e. content for the dataset's fields) """ ...
[docs] def add_records(self, dataset_id: str, records: Sequence[RecordData]) -> None: """Adds new records to the given dataset. Args: dataset_id: id of the dataset the record is added to records: list containing the record data (i.e. content for the dataset's fields) """ for record in records: return self.add_record(dataset_id, record)
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluations(self, dataset_id: str) -> Iterable[ArgillaEvaluation]: """Returns all human-evaluated evaluations for the given dataset. Args: dataset_id: the id of the dataset. Returns: An `Iterable` over all human-evaluated evaluations for the given dataset. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def split_dataset(self, dataset_id: str, n_splits: int) -> None: """Adds a new metadata property to the dataset and assigns a split to each record. Args: dataset_id: the id of the dataset n_splits: the number of splits to create """ ...