Source code for intelligence_layer.examples.classify.embedding_based_classify

import statistics
from import Sequence

from pydantic import BaseModel
from qdrant_client.http.models import models

from intelligence_layer.connectors import (
from intelligence_layer.connectors.limited_concurrency_client import (
from intelligence_layer.core import Task, TaskSpan, TextChunk
from intelligence_layer.examples.classify.classify import (
from import SearchOutput

[docs] class QdrantSearchInput(BaseModel): """The input for a `QdrantSearch` task. Attributes: query: The text to be searched with. filter: Conditions to filter by as offered by Qdrant. """ query: str filter: models.Filter
[docs] class QdrantSearch(Task[QdrantSearchInput, SearchOutput[int]]): """Performs search to find documents using QDrant filtering methods. Given a query, this task will utilize a retriever to fetch relevant text search results. Contrary to `Search`, this `Task` offers the option to filter. Args: in_memory_retriever: Implements logic to retrieve matching texts to the query. Example: >>> import os >>> from intelligence_layer.connectors import ( ... LimitedConcurrencyClient, ... ) >>> from intelligence_layer.connectors import Document >>> from intelligence_layer.connectors import ( ... QdrantInMemoryRetriever, ... ) >>> from intelligence_layer.core import InMemoryTracer >>> from intelligence_layer.examples import ( ... QdrantSearch, ... QdrantSearchInput, ... ) >>> from qdrant_client.http.models import models >>> client = LimitedConcurrencyClient.from_env() >>> documents = [ ... Document( ... text="West and East Germany reunited in 1990.", metadata={"title": "Germany"} ... ) ... ] >>> retriever = QdrantInMemoryRetriever(documents, 3, client=client) >>> task = QdrantSearch(retriever) >>> input = QdrantSearchInput( ... query="When did East and West Germany reunite?", ... filter=models.Filter( ... must=[ ... models.FieldCondition( ... key="metadata.title", ... match=models.MatchValue(value="Germany"), ... ), ... ] ... ), ... ) >>> tracer = InMemoryTracer() >>> output =, tracer) """ def __init__(self, in_memory_retriever: QdrantInMemoryRetriever): super().__init__() self._in_memory_retriever = in_memory_retriever
[docs] def do_run( self, input: QdrantSearchInput, task_span: TaskSpan ) -> SearchOutput[int]: results = self._in_memory_retriever.get_filtered_documents_with_scores( input.query, input.filter ) return SearchOutput(results=results)
[docs] class LabelWithExamples(BaseModel): """Defines a label and the list of examples making it up. Attributes: name: Name of the label. examples: The texts defining the example. Should be similar in structure and semantics to the texts to be classified on inference. """ name: str examples: Sequence[str]
[docs] class EmbeddingBasedClassify(Task[ClassifyInput, MultiLabelClassifyOutput]): """Task that classifies a given input text based on examples. The input contains a complete set of all possible labels. The output will return a score for each possible label. Scores will be between 0 and 1 but do not have to add up to one. On initiation, provide a list of examples for each label. This methodology works best with a larger number of examples per label and with labels that consist of easily definable semantic clusters. Args: labels_with_examples: Examples to be used for classification. client: Aleph Alpha client instance for running model related API calls. :meth:`intelligence_layer.connectors.LimitedConcurrencyClient.from_env` top_k_per_label: number of labels to assign to the input text. Attributes: METADATA_LABEL_NAME: The metadata field name for 'label' in the retriever. Example: >>> from intelligence_layer.connectors import ( ... LimitedConcurrencyClient, ... ) >>> from intelligence_layer.core import TextChunk, InMemoryTracer >>> from intelligence_layer.examples.classify.classify import ClassifyInput >>> from intelligence_layer.examples.classify.embedding_based_classify import ( ... EmbeddingBasedClassify, ... LabelWithExamples, ... ) >>> labels_with_examples = [ ... LabelWithExamples( ... name="positive", ... examples=[ ... "I really like this.", ... ], ... ), ... LabelWithExamples( ... name="negative", ... examples=[ ... "I really dislike this.", ... ], ... ), ... ] >>> client = LimitedConcurrencyClient.from_env() >>> task = EmbeddingBasedClassify(labels_with_examples, client=client) >>> input = ClassifyInput(chunk=TextChunk("This is a happy text."), labels=frozenset({"positive", "negative"})) >>> tracer = InMemoryTracer() >>> output =, tracer) """ METADATA_LABEL_NAME = "label" def __init__( self, labels_with_examples: Sequence[LabelWithExamples], client: AlephAlphaClientProtocol | None = None, top_k_per_label: int = 5, ) -> None: super().__init__() self._labels_with_examples = labels_with_examples documents = self._labels_with_examples_to_documents(labels_with_examples) self._scoring = top_k_per_label retriever = QdrantInMemoryRetriever( client=client, documents=documents, k=top_k_per_label, retriever_type=RetrieverType.SYMMETRIC, ) self._qdrant_search = QdrantSearch(retriever)
[docs] def do_run( self, input: ClassifyInput, task_span: TaskSpan ) -> MultiLabelClassifyOutput: self._validate_input_labels(input) results_per_label = [ self._label_search(input.chunk, label, task_span) for label in input.labels ] scores = self._calculate_scores(results_per_label) return MultiLabelClassifyOutput( scores={ lang: Probability(s) for lang, s in zip(input.labels, scores, strict=True) } )
def _labels_with_examples_to_documents( self, classes_with_examples: Sequence[LabelWithExamples] ) -> Sequence[Document]: return [ Document( text=e, metadata={self.METADATA_LABEL_NAME:}, ) for class_with_examples in classes_with_examples for e in class_with_examples.examples ] def _validate_input_labels(self, input: ClassifyInput) -> None: available_labels = set( for class_with_examples in self._labels_with_examples ) unknown_labels = input.labels - available_labels if unknown_labels: raise ValueError(f"Got unexpected labels: {', '.join(unknown_labels)}.") def _label_search( self, chunk: TextChunk, label: str, task_span: TaskSpan ) -> SearchOutput[int]: search_input = QdrantSearchInput( query=chunk, filter=models.Filter( must=[ models.FieldCondition( key=f"metadata.{self.METADATA_LABEL_NAME}", match=models.MatchValue(value=label), ), ] ), ) return, task_span) def _calculate_scores( self, results_per_label: Sequence[SearchOutput[int]] ) -> Sequence[float]: return [ (statistics.mean(r.score for r in r_per_l.results) + 1) / 2 for r_per_l in results_per_label ]