Source code for intelligence_layer.evaluation.aggregation.domain

from import Iterable, Sequence
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Generic, TypeVar

from pydantic import BaseModel, SerializeAsAny

from intelligence_layer.connectors.base.json_serializable import (
from intelligence_layer.evaluation.evaluation.domain import (
from import RunOverview

AggregatedEvaluation = TypeVar("AggregatedEvaluation", bound=BaseModel, covariant=True)

[docs] class AggregationOverview(BaseModel, Generic[AggregatedEvaluation], frozen=True): """Complete overview of the results of evaluating a :class:`Task` on a dataset. Created when running :meth:`Evaluator.eval_and_aggregate_runs`. Contains high-level information and statistics. Attributes: evaluation_overviews: :class:`EvaluationOverview`s used for aggregation. id: Aggregation overview ID. start: Start timestamp of the aggregation. end: End timestamp of the aggregation. end: The time when the evaluation run ended successful_evaluation_count: The number of examples that where successfully evaluated. crashed_during_evaluation_count: The number of examples that crashed during evaluation. failed_evaluation_count: The number of examples that crashed during evaluation plus the number of examples that failed to produce an output for evaluation. run_ids: IDs of all :class:`RunOverview`s from all linked :class:`EvaluationOverview`s. description: A short description. statistics: Aggregated statistics of the run. Whatever is returned by :meth:`Evaluator.aggregate` labels: Labels for filtering aggregation. Defaults to empty list. metadata: Additional information about the aggregation. Defaults to empty dict. """ evaluation_overviews: frozenset[EvaluationOverview] id: str start: datetime end: datetime successful_evaluation_count: int crashed_during_evaluation_count: int description: str statistics: SerializeAsAny[AggregatedEvaluation] labels: set[str] = set() metadata: SerializableDict = dict() @property def run_ids(self) -> Sequence[str]: return [ for overview in self.run_overviews()] def run_overviews(self) -> Iterable[RunOverview]: return set( run_overview for evaluation_overview in self.evaluation_overviews for run_overview in evaluation_overview.run_overviews ) @property def failed_evaluation_count(self) -> int: return self.crashed_during_evaluation_count + sum( run_overview.failed_example_count for run_overview in self.run_overviews() ) def raise_on_evaluation_failure(self) -> None: if self.crashed_during_evaluation_count > 0: raise EvaluationFailed(, self.crashed_during_evaluation_count) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() def __str__(self) -> str: res = ( f"Aggregation Overview ID = {}\n" f"Start time = {self.start}\n" f"End time = {self.end}\n" f"Successful example count = {self.successful_evaluation_count}\n" f"Count of examples crashed during evaluation = {self.failed_evaluation_count}\n" f'Description = "{self.description}"\n' f"Labels = {self.labels}\n" f"Metadata = {self.metadata}\n" ) res += f"IDs of aggregated Evaluation Overviews = {[ for evaluation_overview in self.evaluation_overviews]}\n" res += f"IDs of aggregated Run Overviews = {self.run_ids}\n" res += "Statistics = {\n" res += f"{self.statistics}\n" res += "}\n" return res def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(