Source code for intelligence_layer.connectors.retrievers.qdrant_in_memory_retriever

from import Sequence
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional

from aleph_alpha_client import Prompt, SemanticEmbeddingRequest, SemanticRepresentation
from qdrant_client import QdrantClient
from qdrant_client.conversions.common_types import ScoredPoint
from qdrant_client.http.models import Distance, PointStruct, VectorParams, models

from intelligence_layer.connectors.limited_concurrency_client import (
from intelligence_layer.connectors.retrievers.base_retriever import (

[docs] class RetrieverType(Enum): """Specify the type of retriever to instantiate. Attributes: ASYMMETRIC: Query is embedded as `Query` and each document as `Document`. SYMMETRIC: Both query and documents will be embedded as `Symmetric`. """ ASYMMETRIC = (SemanticRepresentation.Query, SemanticRepresentation.Document) SYMMETRIC = (SemanticRepresentation.Symmetric, SemanticRepresentation.Symmetric)
[docs] class QdrantInMemoryRetriever(BaseRetriever[int]): """Search through documents stored in memory using semantic search. This retriever uses a [Qdrant]( vector store instance to store documents and their asymmetric embeddings. When run, the given query is embedded and scored against the document embeddings to retrieve the k-most similar matches by cosine similarity. Args: documents: The sequence of documents to be made searchable. k: The (top) number of documents to be returned by search. client: Aleph Alpha client instance for running model related API calls. threshold: The mimumum value of cosine similarity between the query vector and the document vector. retriever_type: The type of retriever to be instantiated. Should be `ASYMMETRIC` for most query-document retrieveal use cases, `SYMMETRIC` is optimized for similar document retrieval. distance_metric: The distance metric to be used for vector comparison. Example: >>> from intelligence_layer.connectors import LimitedConcurrencyClient, Document, QdrantInMemoryRetriever >>> client = LimitedConcurrencyClient.from_env() >>> documents = [Document(text=t) for t in ["I do not like rain.", "Summer is warm.", "We are so back."]] >>> retriever = QdrantInMemoryRetriever(documents, 5, client=client) >>> query = "Do you like summer?" >>> documents = retriever.get_relevant_documents_with_scores(query) """ MAX_WORKERS = 10 def __init__( self, documents: Sequence[Document], k: int, client: AlephAlphaClientProtocol | None = None, threshold: float = 0.5, retriever_type: RetrieverType = RetrieverType.ASYMMETRIC, distance_metric: Distance = Distance.COSINE, ) -> None: self._client = client or LimitedConcurrencyClient.from_env() self._search_client = QdrantClient(":memory:") self._collection_name = "in_memory_collection" self._k = k self._threshold = threshold self._query_representation, self._document_representation = retriever_type.value self._distance_metric = distance_metric if self._search_client.collection_exists(collection_name=self._collection_name): self._search_client.delete_collection( collection_name=self._collection_name, ) self._search_client.create_collection( collection_name=self._collection_name, vectors_config=VectorParams(size=4608, distance=self._distance_metric), ) self._add_texts_to_memory(documents) def get_relevant_documents_with_scores( self, query: str ) -> Sequence[SearchResult[int]]: query_embedding = self._embed(query, self._query_representation) search_result = collection_name=self._collection_name, query_vector=query_embedding, score_threshold=self._threshold, limit=self._k, ) return [self._point_to_search_result(point) for point in search_result] def _embed(self, text: str, representation: SemanticRepresentation) -> list[float]: embedding_request = SemanticEmbeddingRequest( prompt=Prompt.from_text(text), representation=representation, normalize=True, ) return self._client.semantic_embed( request=embedding_request, model="pharia-1-embedding-4608-control" ).embedding @staticmethod def _point_to_search_result(point: ScoredPoint) -> SearchResult[int]: assert point.payload assert isinstance(, int) return SearchResult(, score=point.score, document_chunk=DocumentChunk(**point.payload), ) def _add_texts_to_memory(self, documents: Sequence[Document]) -> None: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.MAX_WORKERS) as executor: embeddings = list( lambda c: self._embed(c.text, self._document_representation), documents, ) ) self._search_client.upsert( collection_name=self._collection_name, wait=True, points=[ PointStruct( id=idx, vector=text_embedding, payload=DocumentChunk( text=document.text, start=0, end=len(document.text) - 1, metadata=document.metadata, ).model_dump(), ) for idx, (text_embedding, document) in enumerate( zip(embeddings, documents, strict=True) ) ], )
[docs] def get_filtered_documents_with_scores( self, query: str, filter: models.Filter ) -> Sequence[SearchResult[int]]: """Specific method for `InMemoryRetriever` to support filtering search results. Args: query: The text to be searched with. filter: Conditions to filter by. Returns: All documents that correspond to the query and pass the filter. """ query_embedding = self._embed(query, self._query_representation) search_result = collection_name=self._collection_name, query_vector=query_embedding, limit=self._k, query_filter=filter, ) return [self._point_to_search_result(point) for point in search_result]
def get_full_document(self, id: int) -> Optional[Document]: records = self._search_client.retrieve(self._collection_name, [id], True, False) if not records: return None record = records.pop() assert record.payload return Document(**record.payload)